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Selectmen's Minutes July 31, 2001
JULY 31, 2001

PRESENT:        Jeffery Jordan, Theodore Bailey, Dennis Call, Heather Briggs


The minutes of July 23, 2001 were accepted as written and signed.


SUBJECT: Highway, A J May

The Board asked A J to have  Bill Stevens come in to meet with the Board.  A J agreed to tell Bill to contact the Board.

A J said that Malaney has not paved Connemara Drive and does not plan to until autumn.

A J is graveling Ferrin Road.

Selectman Bailey asked A J to look into repairing the Knowlton Cemetery stonewall.

A J will be on vacation the week of August 6 through August 10, 2001.

SUBJECT:  County Represent ivies

Present: Raymond Cummings, J D Colcord

It was asked of the Board “What does the County do for you?”  

Ray Cummings and J D Colcord both introduced facts and figures pertaining to the responsibilities of the State, County and Towns.     

Both, Ray Cummings and J D Colcord said that they would field any question presented to them.

SUBJECT:  Board Discussion

Chairman Jeffery Jordan has agreed to be appointed to the BCEP position.

In regards to the Luksza case the Board wants to confirm that the attorney’s fees will be Mr. Luksza’s responsibility.  

The Board also wants to verify that the Town’s ordinance on unregistered vehicles is the same as the State.  Heather will look into it.

A letter from Thomas and Tammy Jameson was introduced and read.  The Board is taking it under advisement.

The Board discussed increasing Heather’s hours and will discuss with Judy at a later date.

Respectfully submitted,

Jeffery Jordan

Theodore Bailey

Dennis Call